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Initiative for Research Cooperation between Child Researchers in Palestine and Norway (2000-2003)

The initiative was first introduced in 2000, to strengthen Palestinian child research community through international cooperation. This was done in several ways, both by consolidating and strengthening the inner structures of the Palestinian research community and by opening up for international information and academic exchange.

Participants in the partnership were The Palestinian Child Research Group (PCRG), including a multi-disciplinary team of researchers and professors from Al Quds University and other institutions, the Norwegian Centre for Child Research (NOSEB) and Norwegian Social Research (NOVA).

2004-2007: From 2004 on, the partnership entered into a new phase, whith finanical support from the Norwegian Programme for Development, Research and Higher Education (NUFU).

Read article on the Palestine - Norway Partnerhips in issue #3 of SIU publication Global Knowledge, p. 33: "Important Support: Under the NUFU umbrella, Palestinian and Norwegian researchers are cooperating to further child research in Palestine". Download pdf version here>>   

2003: A seminar was held in Norway in 2003. Please see program and Power-Point presentation by Mohammad Shaheen from Al-Quds University.

2000/2001: For further information about the initial phase of the initiative, please download report here .

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Published Sep. 25, 2008 3:20 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:38 PM