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21st European Social Services Conference: Call for Proposals

The European Social Network (ESN) will be organising its 21st annual conference next year in Dublin in cooperation with the Irish Presidency of the European Union. In preparation for this event, there is an open call for workshops. This is an opportunity to present for discussion innovative practice on a wide range of issues within the overall theme of the conference. 

Deadline for proposals: Friday 7th December

Social services as well as health, education and employment are challenged by an ever changing society. Whilst delivering policy changes and managing the budget, how do leaders of public services ensure that they focus on helping transform the lives of citizens and communities who need support or care?

Current reforms and adaptations relate to the impact of the economic crisis and the need to become more efficient and effective. However, the influence of demographic change is ever- present and the desire for a more person-centred approach is growing stronger among citizens.

The adaptation of public services requires political and professional leadership. It means working across boundaries to build new partnerships. It means giving citizens and communities what they need to enhance equality and cohesion. In social services, it is also about entrusting service users with the means and support to transform their lives.

Dublin 2013 will set the challenges to social services in the context of wider social, demographic and economic change. It will show how health, education and housing all play a role alongside social services in transforming lives. It will focus on how good leadership, evidence-based practice and citizen participation can reshape services delivered by a trained and committed workforce.

Dublin 2013 will bring together a range of experts from different sectors and services to present their vision and experience of how to reshape services for a changing society.Please click below for further information:

Theme and priorities of the conference
Workshop Guidelines
Workshop Proposal Form

For more information please go to the conference website


N.B. Please note that all workshop presenters are subject to the full, standard delegate fees for the conference. A minimum of 2 workshop presenters must register for the Conference.

Tags: ["Social Services", "Conference", "European Social Network", "Health", "education"]
Published Sep. 25, 2012 1:15 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:41 PM