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International Conference: "Socialización Política: Niñez y Juventud, Tendencias y Contratendencias"

International Conference in Manizales, Colombia,  discussing the political socialisation of youth and children, and new concepual tendencies regarding identity, formation, leadership and child and youth participation. Conference was held in Spanish. For more information click on link below.

Please click here for the program and description of the aims and objectives. (Spanish)

This year the conference was to a large extent connected to the Latin American Young Researchers Training Programme, and the participants of this program were all invited to participate and present the work prepared through the training process.The general objective was to present findings from child and youth participation and participatory research done by the Childwatch International Key Institutions and others in Latin America and provide a forum for sharing experiences and promoting collaborative research in Latin America. It also aimed at giving more visibility to the Childwatch International Network and its activities in the region and facilitate and identification of potential new Key Intstitutions in the region.

This event was a continuation of previous three conferences of the Regional Latin American Network.  A regional network meeting took place in conjunction with the conference.

Tags: ["participation", "Latin America", "Caribbean"]
Published Oct. 28, 2008 12:34 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:45 PM