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First International Conference of the Latin America and Caribbean Regional Network: Children and Adolescents Growing up in Contexts of Poverty, Marginalization and Violence in Latin America

Organized by: PUC, Department of Social Work - CIESPI and Childwatch International.

This was organized as a seminar that was open to the public at PUC, and was supported by Childwatch International. This seminar was attended by approximately 100 people (students, professors, researchers and community workers). During this discussion each participant took time to speak about the situation of children and youth in their respective countries, with particular focus on marginalized children, and what their organization is doing to improve the situation. Through the discussion we gained insight that many countries had similar fundamental problems and that a studied approach to these issues could create progress for Latin America as a whole. 


CIESPI, Irene Rizzini, Maria Helena Zamora, Carolina Kuenerz, Claudia Canarin, Rachel Duvanel, Carla Fellows and Anjali Akaur
CINDE, Colombia: Ofelia Roldan Vargas
CENDIF, Venezuela: Maria Angelica Sepúlveda e Gloria Lópes
PAN Y AMOR, San Jose, Costa Rica: Milena Grillo
CEANIM - Centro de Estudios y Atencion del Nino y la Mujer, Santiago, Chile: Ana de Lourdes Castro
UNIVERSIDAD de GUADALAJARA, Mexico: Ricardo Fletes
DE PAUL UNIVERSITY, Chicago - Cuba/USA - Maria de Los Angeles Torres

 The topics discussed were the following:

· Youth and violence: both in the perspective of life - Ana Castro Rio – CEANIM
· Maternal prison: consequences on the children - Maria Angelica Sepúlveda e Gloria Lópes - CENDIF
· Poverty, violence, youth and domestic child labor: some consideration from Costa Rica - Milena Grillo – Pan y Amor
· Quality of life of children and youth in Argentina - Graciela Tonon - (she was not able to attend the conference but her paper will be published in the book that will be edited by CIESPI)
· Violence and childhood, reflections from contact with youth on the streets - Ricardo Fletes Corona – Mexico – Universidad de Guadalajara
· Rio – Guadalajara: parallels in the process of marginalization of children on the streets - Irene Rizzini and Ricardo Fletes Corona

These papers were put together in a book edited by Ricardo Fletes, from the University of Guadalajara and Irene Rizzini and Maria Helena Zamora, from CIESPI. 

Click here for the publication

Tags: ["children on the streets"]
Published Oct. 13, 2008 11:29 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:46 PM