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Third Latin American Network Conference: Childhood and Youth: Dislocations and Changes

The conference aimed to promote the conjoint and collaborative constructions of knowledge, priorities, intentions and strategies to support a common democratic and inclusive Latin-American position that confronts the critical socio-economic conditions that compromise the human development of future generations.

It focused on the impact of the dislocations in the development of children and youth; the democratization of knowledge and child participation; and strategies of incidence of research into public policies and spreading of knowledge by the media. See Call for papers here>> For more information, see background document here>>  and program for the conference here>>

Presentations available here>>

Report from the conference is available here in English and Spanish version.

Tags: ["conference 2006", "Latin America", "Child participation", "Public policy", "Media", "youth"]
Published July 23, 2008 6:48 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:49 PM