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Assessing and Monitoring Child Friendly Communities and Cities: Supporting advocacy and capacity building in local governance

Within the framework of the Child Friendly Cities Research initiative, the workshop aimed to critically analyse the newly developed child friendly communities and cities assessment tools and to review the process to support their effective use in selected countries.

The workshop provided an opportunity to review existing monitoring and assessment methods, to share experiences on related strengths and weaknesses, to analyse the newly developed assessment toolkit and to agree on a common framework for its use at the local level.

The Child Friendly Cities Research initiative is a partnership between UNICEF Innocenti Research and Childwatch International, with the collaboration of Children’s Environments Research Group (CERG) and the support of the Bernard Van Leer Foundation.

For further information, please see Workshop report and Update on the Child Friendly Cities Research.

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Published Oct. 22, 2010 2:48 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:52 PM