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Belgium: The Children's Rights Knowledge Centre

KeKi is an interdisciplinary centre, supported by an interuniversity platform of researchers affiliated with the following institutions: University of Antwerp, Free University of Brussels, Ghent University, University College Ghent and University of Leuven. The establishment of KeKi was envisaged in the Decree of 18 July 2008 regarding a Flemish youth and children’s rights policy. KeKi is operational since 1 January 2010, with the support of the Flemish authorities.  

General objectives

The Children's Rights Knowledge Centre (KeKi) aims to collect and disseminate knowledge on children’s rights, generated by national and international scientific research.

KeKi has four strategic objectives:

1.   KeKi is an encounter forum for researchers in the field of children’s rights

The Children's Rights Knowledge Centre aims to centralise all expertise on children’s rights available from the Flemish university associations. This encompasses fundamental research as well as applied (policy-oriented and practice-oriented) research, in all disciplines. KeKi actively promotes interuniversity and interdisciplinary cooperation between academics, for instance through the organization of research seminars.

2.   KeKi operates as a connection forum linking research, policy and practice

The Children's Rights Knowledge Centre purports to make the scientific knowledge on children’s rights accessible for policy and practice. This dissemination of scientific knowledge is not a one-way process from the academic world to the general public. The application of results of scientific research in practice and the social discussion on this issue in turn also influence further research. Because it is vital that science communication is set up in a participatory way, close cooperation with policy makers and practitioners is ensured.

The international interdisciplinary course, the national post-academic training course and the development of a database including legal instruments and research on children’s rights are examples of activities that are covered within this objective of building bridges between research, policy and practice.

3.    KeKi prepares policy notes on subjects related to children's rights

The Children's Rights Knowledge Centre prepares policy notes on subjects related to children’s rights. These policy notes may be issued at the request of the Flemish government or on own initiative. A policy note reflects the state of the art of a certain topic; policy decisions are left to the policy makers.

4.    KeKi assures top-quality

KeKi wants to be a top-quality organization. Special attention is being paid to human resource, financial and quality management.

KeKi is now working in a study linking knowledge management and children’s rights for a critical children’s rights research agenda beyond 25 years CRC. More information could be found here

Operational address
Children's Rights Knowledge Centre
Kortrijksesteenweg 14
Ground floor office 0.11
9000 GHENT

Link to the KeKi website

Main contact: Kathy Vlieghe

Tags: "Children's rights", "participation", "Children in care", "knowledge management", "Famliy related issues", "poverty", ["Education", "Children in the legal system", "Children in conflict with the law"], "fostering and adoption"
Published Sep. 19, 2008 1:40 PM - Last modified Nov. 4, 2015 5:01 PM