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Palestine: Child Research Unit, Center for development in Primary Health Care, AlQuds University

The Center is a research and education center aim at promoting the health of the palestinian children and their families. The main areas of the Center's work is tackling reproductive and psychosocial health of Palestinian children and adolescents. The Child research Unit is established in 2000 for promoting child research in Palestine in collaboration with other researchers from the university and outside university. The main areas of research focus include; nutrition, trauma, citizenship, adolescent's life style and others.

<p>Child Research Unit, AlQuds University &nbsp;</p>

Examples of research projects:

  1. Children's perspective of citizenship
  2. Prevalence of PTSD among Palestinian adolescents
  3. The Nutritional Status of Palestinian Children
  4. Feeding practices among Palestinian mothers of children under two
  5. Children's perspective of their well being within their home environment

Contact Details:

Child Research Unit
Center for development in Primary Health Care/AlQuds University
AlBireh-West Bank Palestine
P.O. Box 4006
Tel: +972 2 2952767
Fax: +972 2 2981526

Main contact: Mohammed Shaheen
E-mail:cdphc (at)

Tags: ["Children and Health", "Children and Violence", "Child participation", "Sexual behaviour and sexual health", "Mental health", "Nutrition", "Children in conflict with the law"]
Published July 10, 2008 4:03 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:58 PM