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Clacso - Latin American Conference Live Online

Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Social Sciences: The state of the social sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Live transmission of the conference and past videos available online:

Go to the website: for the live transmission of the conference.


Videos: is an initiative of the Graduate Program in International Affairs (GPIA)The New School in partnership with the Graduate School of Social Service, Fordham University.

Equity for Children operates websites in English, Spanish, and Portuguese at Equity for ChildrenEquidad Para la Infancia, and Equidade para a Infância with different content designed for each audience to foster public debate about reform and change on behalf of children and their rights throughout the hemisphere. 

Tags: ["Latin America", "poverty", "inequality", "research", "children's rights", "youth", "conflict"]
Published Nov. 8, 2012 5:15 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:13 PM