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Information resources for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Crop (The Comparative Research Programme on Poverty) has highlighted that many of the proposals that have been made for SDGs are related to poverty eradication – and are compiled is a list that CROP has published here:




Proposals that have been made for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are related to poverty eradication:


UN Sustainable Knowledge Platform


North-South Institute

Stakeholder Forum

European Report on Development, 2013

Many of these propose the eradication of extreme poverty, with some proposing target dates such as 2025 or 2030.

Poverty eradication also features prominently in the ongoing national and thematic consultations being supported by the UN Development Group.

CROP (The Comparative Research Programme on Poverty) is a programme of the International Social Science Council (ISSC), hosted by the University of Bergen.


Tags: Crop, sustainable development, poverty reduction, poverty
Published July 8, 2013 4:07 PM - Last modified July 8, 2013 5:25 PM