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Counter Child Trafficking: Global Online Conference

The Global Online Counter Child Trafficking Conference which concluded on 18th October brought together the global Counter Child Trafficking community to connect, share and learn from what works on the frontline in a free and accessible format through the use of technology. Videos from the conference are now available online.

The Conference continues - just view or subscribe to the NoChildHarmed YouTube channel  where you will be able to view any sessions you may have missed due to time zone differences or any other reason.

Please note that there were a few sessions that we were not able to make available due to the nature and sensitivity of the content. 

What next?

A post-event report around the outcomes, findings and recommendations from the Conference is currently being compiled.  

The final report will be launched on 5th December at an event in London, but will be made available throughout networks.  In the meantime there will be many more smaller online events and workshops.

If you are interested in contributing to this work through submitting a blog post or article, or you want to contact the organisers6 about delivering an online session or larger event


or visit the website:  Conference Website

or join the conversation on Twitter  and Facebook

Tags: videos, counter child trafficking, online conference
Published Nov. 7, 2013 12:33 PM - Last modified Nov. 12, 2013 11:02 AM