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KEKI Children's Rights Database: Calls for Projects

In order to disseminate knowledge on children's rights  between researchers, policy makers and practitioners, KeKi develops a children's rights database, consisting of a legal instruments database, a Flemish research database and a publications database. The legal instruments database, containing legal instruments and important policy documents at the international, regional, Belgian and Flemish level, was launched on November 20th 2011, as a contribution to the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Children's rights database

In order to facilitate access to instruments, research and publications on children's rights, the Children's Rights Knowledge Centre is developing a children's rights database. It can be consulted in English and in Dutch, and consists of 3 subdatabases:

1. a legal instruments database
2. a Flemish research database
3. a publication database

The legal instruments database and the Flemish research database are currently online on Some tools that can help you search these databases:

- Manual (including search tips)

- List of key words

1. Legal instruments database

The legal instruments database contains legal instruments and important policy documents at the international, regional, Belgian and Flemish level. The database was launched on 20 November 2011, as the contribution of the Children's Rights Knowledge Centre to the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

- Criteria of selection

- Descriptions of types of instruments

- Overview of types of instruments that were screened

Is something missing or not clear? Let us know on!

2. Flemish research database

The Flemish research database contains current and recently finished (since 2005) research on children’s rights carried out at Flemish scientific institutions. Information on youth research can be found in the database of the Flemish Youth Research Platform (JOP - JeugdOnderzoeksPlatform).

- Selection criteria

This database aims to make all ongoing and recently finished research projects on topics that include, or are related to, Children’s Rights, accessible for a broader public of researchers, policy makers and Children’s Rights practitioners. If you believe your research project qualifies for this database, it would be great if you would let us know. Here you can find out more about our criteria for qualification. An empty research outline that can be used to report your research to us, can be found here.

3. Publications database

The publications database includes output of research (research reports, journal articles and books) on children’s rights at the Flemish, Belgian and international level, and will be accessible by the end of 2013 (at the latest). With respect to journal articles, a two-fold selection is carried out.
Do you know of a Flemish research project or an interesting publication regarding Children's Rights that should definately be included in the Children's Rights database? Please let us know!
Tags: ["childrens rights", "child research", "policy making", "policies", "Belgium", "Flemish research", "database", "Convension on the Rights of the Child", "legal instruments"]
Published Jan. 24, 2013 3:23 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:30 PM