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Young Citizens: Experiences Of Participation In Latin America (Jovenes Ciudadanos: Experiencias De Participacion En America Latina) is a new book in Spanish edited by Graciela Tonon and Santiago Aragón, UNI-COM Faculty of Social Sciences of Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, Argentina.

The book is organized in seven chapters written by authors that are members of different Childwatch International key institutions of Latin America's network.


The first chapter Quality of life and images of the future of university students, is a  research developed in UNI-COM, Faculty of Social Sciences of Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, Argentina by  Graciela Tonon, Lía Rodriguez de la Vega, Miguel Meza, Silvana Savio  y Sebastián Rinaldi.  It analysis the results of  a qualitative study with university students in which  quality of life is associated with life satisfaction and life´s sense. In young students discourses the possibility of a future employment appeared as a  life´s central value and education makes possible the construction of the future and it is an opportunity for the construction of citizenship.

Chapter two Trajectories  of young people in Mexico city by Norma del Río Lugo, Infancy Program of Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México, presents the results of a participatory study with young people that propose a new pedagogy to study their life´s trajectory.

Chapter three,  Community participation of young people in Venezuela by Gloria López, Yuherqui Guaimaro and María Fernanda Rodriguez from UNIMET, Venezuela;  proposes a cultural study to consider the productions of young people´s identities, that showed emergent voices in relation with politics and power.

Chapter four,  Social construction of young people in seven social movements in Colombia by  María Camila Ospina,  Sara Alvarado and Jhoana Patiño,  from CINDE-Universidad de Manizales, Colombia, is a study with main objective was the comprehension of different types of political actions developed by young people for the construction of a different country.

Chapter five  The invisibility of young people living in rural areas in Colombia by Antonio José López,  is a reflection about the traditional view or "not view" of young people that live in rural areas. It proposes a critical reflection of theoretical categories as: youth, rural youth, public policies and politics for youth.

Chapter six,  Processes of construction and hybridization of youth identities by Héctor Fabio Ospina, Mónica Vega and  Jhoana Patiño from CINDE-Universidad de Manizales, Colombia, is a document that  presents epistemological  and methodological reflections to understand  the construction of youth identities.

Finally, chapter seven, The new citizenships of globalization by  Francisco Lavolpe, Faculty of Social Sciences of Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, Argentina; presents the fundamental role of citizenship in order to guarantee security, freedom and justice to all the citizens of a country in a scenery of justice and exercise of political and social rights.

The Latin American Network Website>>


Tags: ["book", "publication", "child research", "Latin America", "participation", "citizenship"] By Eds:Graciela Tonon, Santiago Aragón
Published Oct. 16, 2012 12:52 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:50 PM