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Niños, Adolescentes, Pobreza, Marginalidad y Violencia en America Latina y el Caribe: Relaciones Indisociables?

This publication gathers presentations from the second regional conference in Latin America and the Caribbean (2004), gathering presentations from the research and the NGO community in discussions of challeges facing the children and young people of the region.  

The publication was launched at the third International Conference on Childhood and Youth: Dislocations and Changes, held in Mexico in July 2006. This book is the second volume that brings together new contributions to understanding the status of children and youth in the region, strengthening the dialogue and exchange of research experiences among Latin American researchers.

The forces that marginalize children outside mainstream society and the mainstream economy can be conceptualized singularly and as interacting influences. They are present in many Latin American countries though to different degrees. The commonality of problems in the region and the exciting prospect of sharing strategies was an important motivation for the organization of the regional conferences.

Contact CIESPI for further information on the publication and the Latin American and Caribbean regional collaboration.

This is a conference proceeding for the second regional conference in Latin America and the Caribbean (2004)

Tags: ["Child poverty", "marginalisation and exclusion", "migration", "youth", "children's rights", "public policy towards/for children", "education", "violence", "criminality", "CIESPI"] By Irene; Fletes; Ricardo; Zamora, Maria Helena e Neumann, Rizzini, Mariana Menezes (orgs.). Rio de Janeiro: CIESPI
Published July 4, 2008 11:38 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:51 PM