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New Publication - Championing Children's Rights: A global study of independent human rights institutions for children

This report by the UNICEF Office of Research, takes stock of the development of independent human rights institutions for children globally and identifies the specific roles they perform. It also pinpoints core elements, characteristics and features that contribute to their institutional success or otherwise.

Independent institutions bring an explicit children’s focus to traditional adult-oriented governance systems. Acting as direct mechanisms for accountability, they fill gaps in checks and balances and make sure that the impact of policy and practice on children’s rights is understood and recognized. At a time of global economic uncertainty, a period in which inequities between rich and poor are widening, and a period of reflection on progress towards achieving the Millenium Development Goals and in defining what sustainable and equitable goals should come after, these institutions are key players in promoting systems that are effective in delivering results for children.




Tags: ["Child ProtectiConvention on the Rights of the Child", "Governance", "Rights of the Child", "Social Policies"] By Vanessa Sedletzki
Published Nov. 20, 2012 12:35 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:56 PM