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Childnet International

The Childnet International is an Internet charity committed to promoting the positive use of the Internet by children and youth. The website includes information on the charity and promotes Internet safety for children and young people through a range of activities.

Childnet works in 3 main areas of Access, Awareness, Protection & Policy.

Access and promoting quality content
Helping children and young people to use the net constructively, showcase quality content and enable others to use our resources and develop new projects.
Awareness and advice
Helping children and young people acquire new “net literacy” skills and giving advice to industry, organisations, parents, teachers and carers about Internet and mobile safety.
Protection and policy
Working with others to help protect children from being exploited in the online environments provided by new technologies as well as seeking to initiate and respond to policy changes.

Contact Details:

Head Office
Studio 14 Brockley Cross Business Centre
96 Endwell Road
London SE4 2PD

T +44 (0)20 7639 6967
F +44 (0)20 7639 7027


Tags: ["Media", "education", "develpment"]
Published July 30, 2008 11:45 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:13 PM