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Webpages tagged with «HIV/AIDS»

Published Sep. 26, 2008 11:54 AM
Published Sep. 11, 2008 11:31 AM

The Children's Institute UCT seeks to contribute to policies, laws and interventions that promote equality, realise the rights and improve the prospects of all children in South Africa. Established at UCT in 2001, the CI seeks to bring about positive change in the lives of children through a complex but carefully honed combination of social and legal research, multiple level evidence-based advocacy and public engagement, capacity-building, and a communications strategy designed to reach diverse audiences. 

Published July 29, 2013 9:30 AM
Published May 1, 2013 3:20 PM

The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS is sponsoring a special issue of AIDS, the official journal of the International AIDS Society, on the theme of Children Born into Families Affected by HIV for release at the 20th International AIDS Conference from 25 July 2014 in Melbourne.