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Webpages tagged with «["Colombia", "violence"]»

Published Oct. 25, 2010 11:03 AM

In the three years including  2010 to 2012 the macro project, “Protecting Early Childhood from Violence¨ (Protegiendo la Primero Infancia de la Violencia or PPIV) was implemented as a pilot project to increase awareness, promote education and foster change in regards to violence against children in the particularly vulnerable sectors of the Comunas (impoverished  communities) numbered Comuna #13 and Comuna #8 in Medellin Colombia. The program was implemented through the efforts of 3 major players along with 17 other organizations or entities. These 3 main players were the Institute for Children’s Rights and Development (IRCD) based in the University of Victoria in Canada, the International Center for Education and Human Development (CINDE)  based in Sabaneta, Colombia and the International Child Developent Program (ICDP) in Norway.