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Webpages tagged with «["child research", "young lives", "Ethiopia", "poverty", "child-protection services", "public policies", "health education", "instability", "change"]»

Published Feb. 8, 2013 10:39 AM

Changes that happen within communities can have considerable consequences for the lives of children and their families. This paper demonstrates the importance of considering the community context and shows how differences between sites can be significant.

Date: 19 Dec 2012

Series: Young Lives Working Paper 90


Published Jan. 31, 2013 12:23 PM

Changes that happen within communities can have considerable consequences for the lives of children and their families. This paper demonstrates the importance of considering the community context and shows how differences between sites can be significant.

Date: 19 Dec 2012

Series: Young Lives Working Paper 90


Published Jan. 31, 2013 11:50 AM

Changes that happen within communities can have considerable consequences for the lives of children and their families. This paper demonstrates the importance of considering the community context and shows how differences between sites can be significant.

Date: 19 Dec 2012

Series: Young Lives Working Paper 90