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Webpages tagged with «["child research", "young lives study", "poverty", "development", "inequality", "millennium development goals", "social policies", "public policies", "gender", "girl-child", "child well being"]»

Published Nov. 20, 2012 12:37 PM

This Young Lives paper is a contribution to the global thematic consultation Addressing inequalities within the post-2015 development agenda which is being co-organised by UNICEF and UN Women. Failure to fully integrate equality principles is recognised as major limitation of the Millennium Development Goals, and neglect of inequalities has also detracted from the progress made in many areas. The paper draws attention to the many ways that inequality impacts on children’s experience of growing up.

Published Nov. 20, 2012 12:07 PM

This Young Lives paper is a contribution to the global thematic consultation Addressing inequalities within the post-2015 development agenda which is being co-organised by UNICEF and UN Women. Failure to fully integrate equality principles is recognised as major limitation of the Millennium Development Goals, and neglect of inequalities has also detracted from the progress made in many areas. The paper draws attention to the many ways that inequality impacts on children’s experience of growing up.