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Procedures for Transfers and Invoices

A transfer request should be made through submitting an invoice when:

  • The activity has taken place and an institution has covered the expenses in line with an established agreement and budget
  • The claim is accompanied by the agreed documentation (programs, lists of participants, budgets, accounts, receipts or other)

or if:

  • The Secretariat has agreed that the funds allocated can be transferred in advance of the activity
  • A detailed budget is agreed on and approved by both parties
  • The Institution and The Secretariat has agreed on how the activity and its expenses are to be documented (programs, lists of participants, budgets, accounts, receipts or other)

Setting up an Invoice:

Procedure for institutional invoices and reimbursements

Note that an invoice must be addressed to:

University of Oslo
Account Section – Central Invoicing
P.O.Box 1074, Blindern
N – 0316 Oslo

The invoice should be marked with the institution’s letterhead and include the following information:

  1. The name and address of the institution claiming the reimbursement.
  2. Details of the expenses for which a reimbursement is being claimed (eg. Who participated in the activity; From where to where did he/she travel; What dates did the activity take place, etc.). Individual sums should be added to one total claim.
  3. An invoice number for your reference.
  4. The reference code 170000 and the name of a person at the Childwatch International secretariat (Jon-Kristian Johnsen).

Fill in the account information form. One of the following codes is requires for international money transfers:

  • IBAN code (for most European countries)
  • SWIFT code (if IBAN code is not available)
  • Routing number (in the USA)

Both SWIFT code and routing number require that you also add name and address of your bank and branch. Country code will be filled in by the secretariat.

Please submit the invoice electronically to . Attachments can either be scanned and attached to the invoice, OR you may send the invoice with attachments by post to:

University of Oslo
Childwatch International
P.O.Box 1132, Blindern
N – 0318 Oslo

If you use an express freight company the invoice and attachments should be sent to:

Childwatch International
University of Oslo
Blindern campus
Faculty of Social Scienses
Harriet Holters Hus
Room 220



Tags: ["invoice", "University of Oslo"]
Published Oct. 9, 2008 12:14 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:37 PM