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Helen Ju Qing

Ms. Helen Ju Qing is Director of Youth and Children Law Research Institute, China Youth and Children Research Center.

Academic Degree:

2000: Graduated from China University of Political Science and Law with master degree of criminal science and criminology. 
2000: Graduated from China University of Political Science and Law with bachelor degree of legal science.

Main Research CV: 

  • Juvenile delinquency
  • Children rights
  • Children law and policy
  • Children in need

Present job, research and other responsibility

Director of Youth and Children Law Research Institute of China Youth and Children Research Center, with the main responsibility of administrating the institute and conducting research projects. In the past few years, Qing has finished two national research projects, one on delinquency prevention for minors out of education and employment, and the other one on social intervention into problem family.

She is now conducting two national projects, one on juvenile delinquency prevention at community level in urban area, and the other one on special schools in rehabilitating deviant young people. She is responsible for the research project of children’s participation, collaborating with four other Childwatch Key institutions in Asia and pacific area. Furthermore, she is a member of the drafting group of a minor protection law, translating children acts of six foreign countries into Chinese.

Member of Council of China Society of Juvenile Delinquency
Member of Council of China Society of children and youth
Member of Amending and Drafting Group of China law of Minor Protection
Researcher of Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Institute of Huadong University of Political Science and Law in Shanghai

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Published Nov. 1, 2010 2:02 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:39 PM