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Governance structure and by-laws

The Governance structure and by-laws were approved by the Key Institution Assembly in Hurdal, Norway 26 - 27 June 2005. The documents may be ajusted by the Childwatch International Board during the election period.

1. Membership

The Childwatch International Research Network is an international research network of institutions and associations involved in interdisciplinary research on issues relating to children’s rights, development and well-being.

Multidisciplinary Child Research institutions may apply for membership when invited to do so by the Board.

Member institutions of CWI are:

  • Carrying out research on and with children
  • Committed to a common agenda for promotion of children’s rights, development and well-being
  • Actively pursuing application of research to policy and practice
  • Adding value to the network activities and to other member institutions of Childwatch International Research Network

Membership policy

2. Governance

2.1 The Key Institutions Assembly

The Key Institutions Assembly is composed of representatives from member institutions; it meets at least every third year.

It is the responsibility of the Key Institutions Assembly to:

  • Elect the CWI Board
  • Approve general policies and the strategy of CWI
  • Approve changes in statutes and by-laws
  • Review and provide guidance on the work of the Board and the Secretariat
  • Appoint a nomination committee

In addition to the members, other organisations and individuals may be invited to attend the Key Institutions Assembly as observers.

2.2 The Childwatch International Board

  • The Key Institutions Assembly appoints a Board to oversee the implementation of policies and strategic direction between General Assembly meetings.
  • The Board is composed of 10 members; minimum eight from Member Institutions. The members serve in their personal capacity for a term of three years.
  • The CWI Board is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the broad strategies, policies and priorities approved by the Key Institutions Assembly.
  • The CWI Board shall seek to ensure the optimal performance of CWI through taking on the following responsibilities:

Related to the membership:

  • Review and approve applications for membership based on the statutes and on guidelines set by the Key Institutions Assembly
  • Facilitate good communication with the Key Institutions and secure their participation in the development of CWI’s strategies.

Related to internal organizational issues:

  • Elect a President and two Vice-Presidents among its members.
  • Identify suitable programmes and projects which shall be given priority
  • Approve and monitor the implementation of annual plans and budgets
  • Regularly review and revise current programmes and activities
  • Give advice on the staffing of the Secretariat.
  • Be responsible for convening and developing the agenda for the General Assembly

Relationship to third parties:

  • Advocate for and promote the CWI policies and strategies
  • Promote and encourage collaboration within the Child Research community and between this community and relevant decision-makers
  • Develop relations with third parties, such as international NGOs and the UN system
  • Seek to mobilize resources for the effective functioning of the network

2.3 The Executive Committee 

  • The President and the two Vice-Presidents elected by and among the CWI Board members constitutes The Executive Committee.
  • The Executive Committee acts on behalf of the Board between Board meetings and reports on their work to the Board.
  • The Executive Committee supports the secretariat in the day to day implementation of activities and decision making.

2.4 The Business Committee

  • The Business Committee serves as a forum for discussions and decisions regarding administration and management of finances and staff.
  • The committee is comprised of the Executive Committee and a representative appointed by the hosting institution, currently the University of Oslo.
  • The Business Committee shall ensure that CWI’s administration and management of finances and personnel are in compliance with rules and regulations set by funding agencies and the host institution.

2.5 The Secretariat

CWI shall have a Secretariat headed by a Director, that reports to the CWI Board.

The Secretariat shall:

  • Develop and implement an annual work plan in accordance with the strategic priorities and within available resources.
  • Facilitate dialogue among CWI member institutions
  • Promote and encourage collaboration between members and initiate collaborative projects
  • Disseminate information about current developments and opportunities in child research to members of the network
  • Promote awareness regarding child research and its application to promotion of child rights to decision makers and society at large
  • Develop relations with relevant public authorities and other agencies
  • Actively raise funds for CWI activities

3. By-laws

3.1 Membership

Based on suggestions from Key Institutions and strategic reviews of the child research capacity in countries and regions, the Board will invite multidisciplinary child research institutions to apply for CWI membership.

The CWI Board will decide whether the application will be approved or not, based on consultations within CWI as well as with relevant institutions in the country where the applicant is operating.

3.2 Governance

The governing bodies of Childwatch are The Key Institutions Assembly,the CWI Board and the Business Committee.

The executive bodies consist of Executive Committee and the Secretariat.

3.2.1 The Key Institutions Assembly

The Key Institutions Assembly is convened by the Board, minimum every third year. Each Key Institution is invited to send one representative to the meeting. Expenses covered according to the at any time available budget.

Key Institutions may, on their own expense send one more representative, but each institution has only one vote.

Individuals and representatives from agencies outside the network may participate in the Key Institutions Assembly as invited observers.

All members of the CWI Board and the Director of CWI shall attend the KI Assembly.

Deadlines and other procedures:

  • The KI Assembly is called by the Board, who announces the agenda six weeks in advance.
  • The KI Assembly may add new items to the agenda.
  • The members of the CWI Board have equal decision-making powers with the representatives from the members
  • The KI Assembly has a quorum if more than one-half of the members are present.
  • If there is no quorum, but minimum 1/3 of the members are present, resolutions shall be adopted if more than 2/3 of the votes are in favour.
  • Procedures for calling an extraordinary KI Assembly:
  • The Board may on its own initiative call an extraordinary KI Assembly.
  • If requested by a minimum of 1/3 of the members, the Board will call an extraordinary KI Assembly
  • Dissolution of the network, introduction of member organisation fees, stipulation of the price of such fees, and modification of these statutes can only be done by the KI Assembly.
  • Honorary Members can be appointed by the KI Assembly after a proposition through the Board by any member

3.2.2 The Childwatch International Board

Meetings of the Childwatch International Board shall be held as necessary, but not less frequently than once a year. Advance notice of at least one month shall be given to the members of the CWI Board about the holding of a meeting and of its agenda.

A meeting of the CWI Board has a quorum if more than one-half of the members are present.

If a vacancy occurs during the term, the CWI Board, after consulting the members, decides whether to fill it, and if so, by whom.

The Vice-Presidents (in order of length of service) shall, in the absence of the President, undertake the duties of the President.

The members of the Board can be elected for maximum 3 periods.

The President and the Vice-Presidents shall be eligible for election for maximum 2 periods.

3.2.3 The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee meets when deemed necessary by the members and the Secretariat.

Between meetings, the Committee consults electronically and/or by conference calls.

The CWI Board is the appropriate body to make major decisions affecting the network. The Executive Committee may however make decisions on major issues in cases where a delay until the next Board Meeting would result in undue harm to the network, if possible after consultations with members of the Board.

3.2.4 The Business Committee

The core funding of CWI from the Government of Norway is channelled through the University of Oslo (UiO). UiO hosts the Secretariat. Formally, those working in the Secretariat are employees of UiO. CWI’s administrative systems and routines, management of finances and staff will consequently have to be in accordance with rules and regulation set by UiO. Requirements set by the funding agencies will also have to be met.

The members of the Business Committee organises their discussions according to need and external requirements.

3.2.5 The Secretariat

The secretariat of Childwatch is currently based at the University of Oslo, Norway. The University acts as the employer of the Secretariat staff.

It is the Secretariat’s responsibility to:

  • Provide administrative and operational support to CWI initiated groups and networks
  • Provide administrative support to the CWI Board, the Executive Committee and the Business Committee as required.
  • Manage the funds in accordance with the budget and with the decisions made by the KI Assembly and the CWI Board
  • Make sure that administrative and finance management systems are in line with and meet requirements set by donor agencies and the host institution.
  • Conduct and record financial transactions, maintain budgetary control and prepare statements of accounts for the CWI Board as required

4. Funding

4.1 Core funding

The Norwegian Government presently provides the core funding of Childwatch. This provides resources for the daily running of the Secretariat and for the collaborative efforts of the Network. The core funding covers the costs of the secretariat such as salaries, administrative expenses and a limited travel budget for the study groups, the secretariat and the board, and seed funds for initiating new activities or project preparations. Key Institutions contribute to the core funding through providing salaries to participants in the network and by hosting meetings and workshops.

4.2 Fundraising

  • Childwatch wants to secure and expand the core funding through invitations to collaboration to donors with a long-term commitment to child rights work.
  • Potential donors will be approached for collaboration and funding of specific projects and activities.
  • All funding will be based on a reciprocal relationship between interested partners, donors and Childwatch International.

4.3 Funding of activities

In order to achieve its objectives, Childwatch funds the following:

Travel and meeting costs for:

  • regional networks
  • thematic study groups
  • development of new initiatives and research proposals
  • representation of Childwatch in international forums
  • managing the network

Consultancies with the aim to:

  • develop organisational and research capacity of key institutions
  • further develop Childwatch policies and strategies
  • prepare outcome of collaborative work for publishing

Childwatch will facilitate and support development of proposals and applications for funding of collaborative research. The network will not allocate money from the core funding to cover the cost of carrying out research projects.

Childwatch may co-finance publishing of research and documentation carried out by networks and study groups, but not fully finance such publications.

Tags: ["governance", "by-laws", "funding", "membership", "childwatch"]
Published May 23, 2008 2:04 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:40 PM