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Knowledge and Voice in Early Childhood - 20th EECERA Conference

The 20th annual conference organised by the EECERA "European Early Childhood Education Research Association" in collaboration with the Centre for Research in Early Childhood (CREC) flows from the ethical stance of the Association which sets out a democratic commitment to work towards a more equitable sharing of power and voice in the development of early childhood research, practice and policy.  

The conference "Knowledge and Voice in Early Childhood: Who knows, who speaks, who listens?" will explore this theme through three perspectives:

i. ‘Who Knows’: Conceptualising Knowledge & Voice
This perspective explores how ‘knowledge’ in early childhood is constructed, who controls the dominant discourse and who has ‘voice’ in its generation and applications. It also aims to identify new ways in which knowledge might be developed and how it might become more multi-layered with inclusive and active participation in the process of knowledge construction.

ii. ‘Who Speaks’: Exploring Innovative Paradigms & Methodologies
This perspective focuses on new paradigms and methodologies which are emerging in early childhood research and practice. In particular, participatory paradigms which aim to actively include the voices of children, parents and practitioners are to be explored. The current status and value of knowledge generated from such methodologies is also contested.

iii. ‘Who Listens’: Knowledge & Voice in Action
This perspective focuses on how knowledge is generated through listening more actively to alternative voices, particularly from children, parents and practitioners, and how this knowledge is being used to shape research, practice and policy. It also aims to explore actions which generate more symmetrical dialogues between a diverse range of participants in ECEC and how power might be more equitably distributed in the shaping of early childhood provision.

Deadline for the call for papers is 22 February 2010.

Please see conference web site for information.


Tags: ["conference", "early childhood", "participation"]
Published Oct. 22, 2009 9:39 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:23 PM