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Conferences - Page 5

Time and place: , Centre for Children and Young People, Southern Cross University

Presented by YPBV, local organisations

Centre for Children and Young People, Southern Cross University

Lismore, Australia

Contact: Tel 02 66203613 Fax 02 66203243 Email: ccyp [at]

For more info:

Time and place: , Willem Burger Zaal Complex of Congres centre De Doelen Kruisplein 40, 3012 CC Rotterdam

The Child in the City conference is the fourth bi-annual conference of the European Network Child Friendly Cities (EN CFC). During the last decennium this conference has been the place to be for all cities and scientists focussing on the theme of a local child friendly policy. Cities from all over Europe (but also from Canada and Australia, and…) inspired each other by telling about their own experiences and looking for similar cities with similar problems. It is as a market and a lab in which new ideas are developed. 

Time and place: , Sion- Switzerland

Organised by :  International Institute for the Rights of the Child (IDE) Partnership  - The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)  - The International Bureau for Children's Rights (IBCR)  - Innocenti Research Center (IRC) - UNICEF

The proceedings of the seminar will be published in spring 2009

Time and place: , Famliy Life Development Centre, Cornell University

The ISFL, a global scholarly organization dedicated to the study of family law, with over 500 members from over fifty (50) nations, will convene its 13th World Conference in Vienna, Austria. The 13th World Conference will consider whether and how the law supports the family and its members; and, respectively, whether the state/ecomomy provides sufficient means to sustain family structures, or vice versa.

Time and place: , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

CIESPI and PUC - Rio are organizing this international seminar to discuss theoretical and political implications of constructions of childhood in our global societies. Leading international scholars are taking part in the seminar. Download the presentation of the event below to learn more.

Time and place: , Stockholm

In the framework of the Swedish chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers and with the support of the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Council of Europe and the Swedish Government will jointly organise a conference  in Stockholm, to be held from  8-10 September 2008 on the theme of “Building a Europe for and with children – Towards a Strategy for 2009-2011”.

Time and place: , Grosvenor Hilton Hotel, Glasgow, UK

The Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde are hosting an international conference on the 24 - 26 September 2008 - in the Grosvenor Hilton Hotel, Glasgow - to explore key themes arising from the integration of children's services.

Time and place: , Centre for Children and Young People, Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbour, Australia

Presented by David Ellemor-Collins Contact: Tel 02 66203613 Fax 02 66203243 Email: For more info:ccyp [at]

Time and place: , Tower Lecture Theatre, University of Otago College of Education, Union Street East, Dunedin, New Zealand

Children’s Issues Centre: Contact: Jocelyn Diedrichs jocelyn.diedrichs [at] For more info

Time and place: , The Institute of Child Care Research, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

The Institute of Child Care Research invited interested researchers and practitioners to a conference that focused on the connection between research, research results and the use of these results in child care practice. Key Note addresses were made by Prof. Rob Chaskin from the Chapin Hall Program for Children's Policy Research at the University of Chicago and Celia Atherton OBE, Director at Research in Practice. For more information see

Time and place: , Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, Dakar, Senegal

The colloquium facilitated a dialogue between researchers, policy makers and practitioners. The aim of this important explorative dialogue was to contribute to more relevant and accessible child research for governments and organizations working towards the realization of children’s rights and well-being.

Time and place: , Caribbean Child Development Centre of the University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica

The conference was co-organized by the Childwatch Key Institution the Caribbean Child Development Centre of the University of the West Indies (UWI). The multidisciplinary conference covered children's issues across many countries of the English speaking Caribbean. The several themes included children in violent circumstances, children and HIV/AIDS, parenting, child rights and policy planning, child health and nutrition and development. The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Research, also from the UWI, was the other host, and the conference was being supported by UNICEF, Jamaica, along with a number of other collaborating agencies. There was active participation from a CARICOM (Caribbean Community) Youth Ambassadors panel, and from Jamaican school children.

Time and place: , University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

ICCD 2006 is the first conference of its kind - a multidisciplinary international conference specifically for researchers interested in children's lives and children's wellbeing after separation or divorce. The conference will be a unique opportunity to share, debate and integrate leading edge research, theory and methodology. Confirmed keynote speakers include Paul Amato, Gillian Douglas, Judy Dunn, Bob Emery, Janet Johnston, Michael Lamb and Carol Smart. Conference web site:  

Time and place: , University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

The goal of the conference was to bring together the worldwide,multidisciplinary community of distinguished and emerging adoption researchers enable sharing of findings to encourage interaction and debate about the future research agenda. Conference participants were drawn from a wide range of disciplines such as psychology, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, social work, history, social policy and law. Confirmed keynote:Michael Rutter, Femmie Juffer, David Reiss, Hal Grotevant, David Howe, Elsbeth Neil, Ruth McRoy, Jesus Palacios and Miriam Steele. Conference web site:  

Time and place: , Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico City, Mexico.

The conference aimed to promote the conjoint and collaborative constructions of knowledge, priorities, intentions and strategies to support a common democratic and inclusive Latin-American position that confronts the critical socio-economic conditions that compromise the human development of future generations.

Time and place: , Centre for Child Development, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China

Centre for Child Development of Hong Kong Baptist University organized the third international symposium on child development to disseminate state-of-the art information on creativity and play with a multi- and interdisciplinary emphasis and to offer theoretical and practical value to participants. More information on the symposium to be found on the centre web site:

Time and place: , Roskilde University, Denmark

The aim of the conference was to bring together researchers in the field of childhood studies to discuss and debate the outcome of the COST A19 European research network on children's welfare, in the context of other relevant research in the field. NOSEB, Norway is one of the main partners in the network. The conference includes plenary presentations of the main perspectives and results of COST A19 including An-Magritt Jensen (chair), Helmut Wintersberger, Helga Zeiher and Jens Qvortrup. Invited keynote speakers include Gøsta Esping-Andersen, Allison James and Jaap E. Doek. More information

Time and place: , University of Ghent, Belgium

The conference was organized by The Belgian IAP interdisciplinary research network on children's rights , with the Childwatch International Key Institution, the Children's Rights Centre at the University of Ghent as one of the organizers. For more information, please see:

Time and place: , Auditorium of the General Dean's Building of Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.

The seminar was organized by the Research Program on Infancy and Childhood- Documentation Center at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana in Mexico City.  The objective was to discuss central issues on childhood agency in diverse social contexts and the changing implications of the role that adults may have in its promotion as facilitators, mediators or promoters of this process.

Click here for more information

Time and place: , University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway

As part of the University of Oslo's Centennial Celebration, 1200 child- and youth researchers, practicioners and policy makers from 95 different countries met for 5 days to present research, debate and exchange knowledge about modern childhood and youth. The conference had well over 700 presentations and a full program of social, artistic and not least, child- and youth focused events.

Pleae check the Post Conference Website for interviews taken at the conference and publication and outcomes.

Time and place: , Lusaka, Zambia

In October 2004 the Childwatch International Research Network organized a regional symposium on Children living in circumstances of poverty and marginalization in southern Africa. Participants at the symposium were researchers and NGO representatives from Malawi, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia with an interest in joining forces to improve the knowledge base of the situation for children in the region.

Time and place: , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Children and Adolescents Growing up in Contexts of Poverty, Marginalization and Violence in Latin America: Sharpening Analysis of the Problem and Shaping Responses: Second Regional Network Conference. Held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2004. PUC-Rio (Department of Social Work); CIESPI and Childwatch International

Time and place: , PUC, The Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro

Organized by: PUC, Department of Social Work - CIESPI and Childwatch International.

This was organized as a seminar that was open to the public at PUC, and was supported by Childwatch International. This seminar was attended by approximately 100 people (students, professors, researchers and community workers). During this discussion each participant took time to speak about the situation of children and youth in their respective countries, with particular focus on marginalized children, and what their organization is doing to improve the situation. Through the discussion we gained insight that many countries had similar fundamental problems and that a studied approach to these issues could create progress for Latin America as a whole.