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Child Rights in Practice: Forum Celebrates 20 Years of the CRC

Child Rigths in Practice: Measuring our Impact is organized by IICRD, University of Victoria, Canada. The conference aims to examine the impact that the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child has had on the day-to-day lives of children in Canada and around the world.

The Childwatch International Key Institution, The International Institute of Child Rights and Development (IICRD), is organizing this conference to celebrate the 20 year Anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the most widely ratified human rights treaty in the world, by examining the impact that it has had on the day‐to‐day lives of children in Canada and around the world. Child rights in Practice: Measuring Our Impact draws on IICRD’s local, national and international expertise and experience to better understand:

  1. how individuals and agencies are measuring the impact of rights basedprogramming, engaging children and community, contextualizing programs and affecting larger systemic change
  2. where the current gaps are and what the next steps are that governments, service agencies, communities and individuals can take to be more accountable to children

The five days will be interactive, drawing on every participant’s knowledge and experience to stimulate dialogue and advance the thinking and tools in this area. Special focus will be placed on looking at monitoring and evaluation processes and tools from a developmental child rights approach that builds on the strengths of children, families, communities and their unique cultures. To stimulate learning and sharing, inspire personal and professional growth and the deepening of social relationships and child‐centered networks, this event will take place in the inspirational and natural setting of Whistler, British Columbia a rich a diverse learning environment. The days will be divided into plenary, small group and individual reflection time to create a rich learning environment.

Among the presenters are prominent Childwatch International members, Marta Arango of CINDE Colombia, and Marta Santos Pais, former Director of the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, newly appointed UN Special Representative on Children and Violence.

To learn more and for application procedures, see the IICRD web site.



Tags: ["conference", "IICRD", "UN Convention on the Rights of the Child"]
Published Aug. 17, 2009 12:44 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:42 PM