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Conference 25 years CRC

The Department of Child Law of Leiden University announces its International Conference 25 Years CRC at Leiden Law School, Leiden University, The Netherlands. International academics and professionals working in the field of children’s rights and related fields are invited to submit abstracts of papers of max. 300 words before the 1st of April 2014.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is the most extensively ratified human rights treaty in the world. Within a year after its adoption by the General Assembly on 20 November 1989, such a substantial number of States had acceded to the CRC, that it could enter into force before its first birthday. The CRC's 25th anniversary presents a unique opportunity to take stock of the impact it has had and to provide a platform for reflection about the future of children’s rights implementation.

The conference aims to bring together children’s rights academics, professionals and students from the four corners of the globe, for a two-day programme full of discussion and reflection on the past and future impact of the CRC on topical issues of the children's rights agenda.

The conference is part of a whole week of festivities from Monday 17 November until Thursday 20 November 2014 organized by Leiden University, the City of Leiden, UNICEF The Netherlands and the Dutch NGO Coalition on Children's Rights. This programme also includes the Leiden Children’s Rights Summit on Universal Children’s Day, 20 November 2014, the Leiden Freedom Lecture, an international moot court competition on children’s rights for students and the inaugural lecture of Prof Julia Sloth-Nielsen on the 17th of Nov.

Prof Ton Liefaard, UNICEF Chair of Children's Rights 
Prof Julia Sloth-Nielsen, Leiden Chair of Children’s Rights in the Developing World
Prof Mariëlle Bruning, Head of the Department of Child Law


For more information, please visit the conference website:


Tags: Convention on the Rights of the Child, University of Leiden, Conference 2014, children's rights, child law
Published Jan. 14, 2014 7:14 PM