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Child Sensitive Social Policies CSSP International Conference 2015

The second CSSP International Conference 2015, organized by the Women’s University in Africa and supported by UNICEF Zimbabwe and the Swedish International Developmental Cooperation Agency (SIDA). will focus on Tracking child rights through researchDeadline for abstracts 30 July 2015.

The second CSSP International Conference 2015, organized by the Women’s University in Africa and supported by UNICEF Zimbabwe and the Swedish International Developmental Cooperation Agency (SIDA) will focus on Tracking child rights through research

The papers will be presented in sessions based on the themes below

  • Track 1 – Protecting our children from violence, exploitation and abuse. Objectives:  deliberate on child protection measures in all spheres of life with a view of strengthening child protection systems; promoting positive social norms in all contexts including development and emergency; and to prevent and respond to violence, exploitation and abuse directed at children.
  • Track 2 – Nutrition and Food security and health for children. Objectives: Highligth approaches and lessons from programmes, policies, research and advocacy for improving child health, food access and nutrition, particularly in the face of climate change
  • Track 3 –Assessing progress towards the fulfilment of international child rights principles. Objectives: provide an opportunity for stakeholders to reflect on state performance in the following areas: alignment of national law;policy and interventions with international standards; the creation of institutional mechanisms for coordination, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of child rights policy; and in child(and gender) sensitive budgeting.

The conference uses an online registration and abstract submission system. More information on abstract submission and Conference at CSSP Conference 2015 site

Deadline for abstracts: July 30 2015



Women´s University in Africa, UNICEF Zimbabwe and Swedish International Developmental Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
Tags: children's rights, child research, policies, conference 2015
Published July 9, 2015 7:13 PM