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Children, risk and safety online: Research and policy challenges in comparative perspective

This international conference will gather researchers, policy makers, industry, educators, NGOs and government representatives.

Deadline for abstracts 30.04.11

The conference will ask a series of pressing questions:

 Are all children benefiting from the internet and if not, why not?
 What new digital literacies and coping skills are they developing?
 How can parents and policy makers balance online opportunities and risks for children?
 How do children themselves perceive online risk and safety issues?
 Why do risks differ from country to country, and what new risks are emerging?
 How can governments, educators, NGOs and industry better support children online?

The conference will showcase final results and recommendations regarding online activities, risks and safety, based on a survey of 25,000 European children conducted by the EU Kids Online network of more than 100 researchers in 25 countries and funded by the European Commission’s Safer Internet Programme.

Link to more information on EU Kids Online

Call for abstracts

Tags: ["conference 2011", "internet", "risk", "safety"]
Published Mar. 11, 2011 10:16 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:26 PM