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Eurochild's Annual Conference 2013: Building an inclusive Europe – the contribution of children’s participation

The main aim of the conference is to promote wide recognition of children’s agency, empowerment and influence on their own lives, their families and communities and the society as a whole. Children are fully fledged citizens with a voice of their own, not mere recipients or passive dependents of decisions made by others on their behalf.

"Building an inclusive Europe – the contribution of children’s participation"

The AC2013 is hosted by Eurochild member Albero della Vita Foundation in cooperation with the Italian national Ombudsman for Children, Municipality of Milan and and the PIDIDA network.

Register here!

The conference will explore how children’s and young people’s participation can contribute to positive changes in policy and practice, across different areas such as social inclusion and protection, migration, education or health. It aims to showcase practices that respect the child’s right to be heard and have had positive impact on both the children and the policies or practices to which they contributed. It will offer plenty of opportunities for networking and exchanging of experiences throughout workshops, study visits, plenary sessions, a forum of good practices and social events.

The conference is organised in the context of the 2013 European Year of Citizenship with the aim of increasing recognition of children as citizens. It will also give meaning to the ‘participation’ pillar of the 2013 European Commission’s Recommendation “Investing in Children”, which sets a policy framework based on three underlying policy pillars: access to resources, access to quality services and support for children’s participation. Finally, the conference builds on the 2012 Council of Europe Recommendation on the participation of children and young people under the age of 18.

(The call for contribution was closed on 12 July)

The online registration is now open at:

Fill in this form to be kept updated or to signal interest to get involved.

For any questions contact


Tags: children as citizens, citizenship, annual conference, Eurochild, children's participation, conference 2013
Published July 25, 2013 1:03 PM - Last modified July 25, 2013 1:03 PM