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Promoting Child Rights Through Research: First Caribbean Child Research Conference

The conference was co-organized by the Childwatch Key Institution the Caribbean Child Development Centre of the University of the West Indies (UWI). The multidisciplinary conference covered children's issues across many countries of the English speaking Caribbean. The several themes included children in violent circumstances, children and HIV/AIDS, parenting, child rights and policy planning, child health and nutrition and development. The Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Research, also from the UWI, was the other host, and the conference was being supported by UNICEF, Jamaica, along with a number of other collaborating agencies. There was active participation from a CARICOM (Caribbean Community) Youth Ambassadors panel, and from Jamaican school children.

Contact Details

Caribbean Child Development Centre
School of Continuing Studies, University of the West Indies
Kingston 7

Tel: +876 927 1618
Fax: +876 977 7433
Email: ccdc [at]

Web site:
Director: Dr. Julie Meeks-Gardner

julie.meeksgardner [at]

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Published July 25, 2008 10:52 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:45 PM