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The Fourth International Policy Conference on the African Child

The International Policy Conference on the African Child (IPC) is a major biennial event aimed at promoting policy dialogue and providing a platform for leading thinkers, policy makers, practitioners and activists to positively engage and interact on the challenges facing children in Africa and the policy choices that governments could consider to promote their wellbeing.

The theme of the Fourth IPC will be on Budgeting for Children.

Article 4 of the UNCRC requires States Parties to undertake all appropriate legislative, administrative, and other measures for the implementation of the rights recognised in the Convention. With regard to economic, social and cultural rights, States Parties are required to “undertake such measures to the maximum extent of their available resources and, where needed, within the framework of international co-operation.” The CRC Committee has, on several occasions, recommended compliance with Article 4 of the convention and a commitment for a policy of budget analysis in order to enhance spending on children to the maximum extent possible and identify priorities. The Committee has increasingly stressed budget analysis in its reporting guidelines, in its dialogue with state parties and in its Concluding Observations.

Link to the conference website

Tags: ["conference", "Africa", "budget", "poverty", "African Child Policy Forum"]
Published Sep. 16, 2010 11:17 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:27 PM