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Children, Young People and Adults: Extending the Conversation

2nd International Conference of the International Childhood and Youth Research Network The international research conference is aimed at researchers (both new and experienced), policy-makers and practitioners from all around the world.

Abstracts (up to 150 words) are invited to be submitted by 5pm on 31st March 2012.  

The conference will take place side by side with an international gathering of children and young people, currently being planned around broad themes of participation and citizenship. Shared plenary sessions, and a series of smaller workshops, will create spaces where children, young people and adults can come together and engage in dialogue.

Download the call for papers

Tags: ["conference 2012", "participation", "citizenship", "bridging the gap between research policy and practice"]
Published Feb. 15, 2012 8:18 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:27 PM