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World Summit on Media for Children and Youth: Towards a New Global Vision for Children Youth and Media

World Summit on Media for Children and Youth will take place in Karlstad, Sweden 2010. It will be a summit for 2000 delegates from 100 countries preparing with children and youth for a new media world in the 21st century. It will offer opportunities to network, to be part of debates, to be interactive and to be part of workshops to share perspectives, experience and expertise.

Media Educators and educators, Researchers, the Media Industry, Policy Makers, Children and Youth in active participation and all who are interested in children and young people's well-being are invited to participate in the World Summit for Children and Youth 2010.

World Summits are held every three years and provide a forum for producers, broadcasters and regulators of media for children and other professionals and community leaders committed to the improvement of quality media for children. The central theme for World Summit Karlstad 2010 is Challenges in young people’s world of communication. This great area is divided into five strands with the following perspectives:

Communication for change
- How, from your perspective, can communication in different media support needed social change?

Children and young people’s education and development
- How can media literacy and educational media make a difference?

Children and young people’s digital content creation
- How can today’s and tomorrow’s media world gain quality from young people’s digital own media content creation?
- How can young children and youth of the world help improve global understanding when creating media content?
- From the core perspectives of equity, equality, inclusion and intercultural dialogue, what happens when young people are able to digitally create media content?

Economics, policies and law
- From a child and youth perspective, what measures and steps must be taken to meet the challenges of today’s media world?

Ethics and social responsibilities
- In a non-regulated global media world how, in your perspective, can quality in media for children and young people improve?


For more information and to register your participation, see the World Summit 2010 web site






Tags: ["media", "children", "youth", "Sweden"]
Published Feb. 5, 2010 11:30 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:47 PM