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World Congress for the Rights of Children and Adolescents

The “V World Congress for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, San Juan, Argentina 2012”  focused on Childhood and Adolescence and the social changes processes involved: childhood as a possibility of change and emancipation and at the same time, the way in which childhood and adolescence are affected by these ongoing social changes.


The organizers of the V WORLD CONGRESS FOR RIGHTS OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS, promote a debate on the following strategic courses of action along with and for children.

  • Childhood and Adolescence are a social category and thus, they play a key role in fighting for emancipating movements. Child and adolescent rights are one aspect of that fight. Childhood and Adolescence policies are the main area to ensure a more just society since affirming them as a priority means, as a high principle, affirming another start, another construction model and social transformation.
  • Democracy is the development area for Childhood and Adolescence. This means that democracy starts when children, as subjects with rights, get involved in their development process inside their families and the community, with a right to participate, to get organized, and to defend their rights against all social actors.  Democracy expands through Child citizenship. This means that a democratic system should guarantee that all discretionary, discriminatory and authoritarian forms against children and adolescents are removed. It is relevant to continue with those law reform processes that respect their human rights at an international level.
  • Economy should prioritize Childhood and Adolescence as an innovating principle driving growth and as the most significant opportunity for sustained development in the medium term.
  • For subjectivity purposes, Childhood and Adolescence should develop their autonomy as a constituent principle. In this sense, the mass media and the international entertaining industry must be regulated according to an international consensus to ensure full Childhood and Adolescence citizenship rather than only the reproduction of their condition as consumers with models and values that make them being subjected and controlled and that put their full citizenship at stake.
  • Education plays a key role. It is not only about educating Children for their integration into the market. Childhood and Adolescence should be part of an educational process as relevant actors for social and political citizenship, which will ensure that they are fully integrated as a transformation subject. The educational system should continue with its strong transformation process, removing the old authoritarian and despotic idea of educational process, with children playing a key role.

Childwatch Key Institution Cendif presented the following papers at Forums 3 "Childhood, adolescence and enforceability of rights":

1. "Citizenship, Youth and Community Politics in Venezuela / Gloria Lopez and Yuherqui Guaimaro / Venezuela.
2. "Proyecto Orcamento Crianca e Adolescente"  / Tullio Camila / Brazil.
3. "The voice of the kids an experience participativa" / Agustina Maria Beltran, Ana Ammann / Argentina.
4. "Children and adolescents as subjects revolutionaries" / Cecilia Robert, Carolina Aciar / Argentina.
5. "Adopoción from a rights perspective. Tensions between projects, institutional practices, and the right of children and adolescents to live and develop in a family" / Carlos Alberto Santillan / Argentina.
6. "CABA Adopoción in" / Adriana Calcedo / Argentina.
7. "Public policies of affirmative action and the right to education. A case study from an ethnographic perspective" Hector Monarch / Spain.

Tags: ["conference 2012", "children's rights", "adolescents"]
Published Feb. 7, 2012 12:41 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:31 PM