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World Forum 2012: International Forum for Child Welfare

Call for Papers/Conference Contributions

"Family, children and education at the core of the new challenges of social development: global scenarios, migration and active citizenship"

Deadline: 25 September 2012 for papers



In June 1989, 38 national organizations and networks operating in child welfare, encompassing about 300 NGOs all over the world, joined in the founding of the “International Forum for Child Welfare” (IFCW) in Haikko, Finland.

The IFCW, which was granted consultative status with the United Nations in 1995, is focused on working for children worldwide to improve the quality of their lives and enhance opportunities for the development of their full potential.

This mission represents therefore a commitment by IFCW's Members to work for the fulfillment of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in every nation.

The World Forum was therefore conceived and has been organized every year for 22 years to provide a non-governmental Global Leadership Summit for Child Welfare, a gathering of equals from every continent including leaders of smaller child welfare NGO's and other, often larger and more established child welfare NGO's. 



The World Forum 2012 Programme Planning Committee invites Institutions, researchers, practitioners, service providers, young people and other interested parties to submit abstract proposals for oral presentation (to select potential workshops leaders) and WorldForum digital publication (open to all pertinent contributions).

Papers/Conference Contributions

We encourage papers and conference contributions:

• From practitioners and academics in a range of disciplines including economics, social sciences, political sciences, law, pedagogy, psychology, health, mental health, education, social services, youth justice, social policy, children’s rights, international cooperation voluntary sector and others as appropriate to the migration theme.

• From young people and students: if young people are involved in your presentation or it would be of interest to young people, please describe it in your paper.


Which cover the Conference themes and subthemes identified by the Programme Planning Committee and contained in the Programme, from the point of view of developing countries as well as advanced economies.

The following types of contributions are welcome: researches, good practices, policy positions.


The presentation must be delivered in English, the official language of the IFCW World Forum 2012, in 2-4 typed pages (max. length 6.500 characters, including spaces). The paper/conference contribution can contain pictures, diagrams, charts. No power point presentations will be allowed in this preliminary phase for the homogeneity of the WorldForum online publication.

Supplementary materials, such as video/short film are also allowed.

Accompanying information

The presenters of papers and conference contributions should fill in the abstract submission form, attached to the present call which includes:

- Data of Presenter and his/her Organisation - Brief Biographies of Presenters - Photo of Presenter - Brief presentation of the organisation

- Logo of the organisation

Digital publication and Expert group

The papers/conference contributions selected by the Programme Planning Committee will be evaluated to identify potential workshop leaders, who will be holding their presentations during the World Form 2012.

All the papers/conference contributions inherent to the themes and focus of the WorldForm 2012 will be inserted in the World Forum digital publication on the Forum website

The papers/conference contributions will form the Expert group of the World Forum 2012.


The present call for paper/conference contribution will open on 02nd August 2012.

To be considered “on time” and in compliance with this call for papers, the papers/conference contributions should be submitted to the email address of the World Forum Programme Planning Committee by 25th September 2012. Please save your paper/conference contribution to your computer before submission.

Please see our website for further information about the conference.


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Published Aug. 17, 2012 2:58 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:50 PM