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Childwatch Sub-Sahara African Regional Network: Training workshop on “Designing participatory, rights-based research with children in Africa”

The Childwatch Sub-Sahara African Regional Network is organising a three day Child Research Methods and Ethics seminar for Researcher who also teach and/or supervise young emerging child researchers.

The first two days will focus on what kind of methods are used in the participants’ research with children, the challenges faced by the participants, as well as the inherent ethical dilemmas that emerge in the process of conducting rights-based research with children in the participants’ respective countries (and in Africa more broadly). The third day will be focused on the Regional Child Research Agenda.

Organisers: Childwatch Key Institutions CODESRIA, University of Western Cape, Kenyatta University and Makerere University, with logistic support from the African Child Policy Forum.

Report from the workshops can be downloaded here>>.


Tags: ["Africa", "Child Research", "ethics", "training"]
Published Oct. 22, 2010 11:02 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:53 PM