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Childwatch Middle East and North Africa Regional Network: Roundtable Conference and Training: Peer to Peer Methodology, Research Ethics and Child Friendly Schools.

Childwatch Middle East and North Africa Regional Network is organising a 2 days conference and a 2 days training to create awareness on local and regional level about violence in schools, gender equality, safety in schools as well as establish a knowledge base for promoting the children's school rights in the region.  

Program for the training:


Day 1:

Conduct training workshop in order to equip young researchers from Jordan, and the region regarding issues related to:
1. Peer to Peer methodology- various types and how it can be used by researchers in the area of school violence and safety
2. Ethics of involving children in research

3. Child friendly schools specifically:

  • Violence in schools
  • Healthy, safety, and protective school environments
  • Gender sensitivity, i.e. equality in the learning process for boys and girls
  • An explicit respect for children’s rights and multiculturalism

Expected output:

  • Capacity Building for researchers using peer to peer methodology
  • Enhance the capacity of the researchers to conduct further qualitative research in the area of child friendly school
  • Develop Key Indicators to measure if the sub-research projects brought by participants from each region show that the schools are engaged in child friendly activity. For example, the school infrastructure, number of students enrolled in a class, safety provided in schools etc. The selected participants will be sent a questionnaire before arriving for training to bring selected studies regarding the child friendly schools in their country which will help to develop the key indicators.

Day 2:

Practical field work that will include visit to two schools in groups of two (i.e. 10 researchers in each group) to have practical field experience utilizing various types of peer-to-peer methodology; correct implementation procedure, and training methodology to teach researchers how to use children in research. This will be followed by focus group with students (i.e. male and female students), to learn about student’s perception on the subject of violence and abuse in the school environment, stories of occurrence of violent behavior, patterns of violence, equality in the learning process for boys and girls, student’s expectation regarding child friendly school environment.

Expected output:
To have the practical field experience in schools using peer to peer methodology and focus group. Participants feedback will be collected at the end of the training.

Researchers for the workshop will be from the region including countries like Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Dubai, Oman, and Palestine.

Published Oct. 22, 2010 11:19 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 2:53 PM