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Book Launch: Childhoods, Real and Imagined

Childhoods, Real and Imagined: Volume 1, An Introduction to Critical Realism and Childhood Studies by Priscilla Alderson, (Routledge, May 2013, £24.99). This new book sets out twelve basic ideas in critical realism to show how they can increase our research understanding of children’s lives.

All welcome to the book launch seminar at 3.00 p.m. on Monday 20th May, and drinks at 5.00 p.m., Elvin Hall, Institute of Education, University of London, Bedford Way, London WC1. 

Children's inner being and early morality are also examined. Before the launch, there will be a seminar and discussion from 15:00-17:00 about the book and its practical relevance to childhood research. Speakers at the launch and the seminar will include Professor Roy Bhaskar (IOE), the series editor; Alan Jarvis of Routledge; Dr Mary Stiasny IOE Pro-Director; Professor Alan Norrie University of Warwick; Professor David Oswell, Goldsmiths University of London; Pat Gordon-Smith and Prof Alderson.

For further information please contact :



Tags: child research, critical realism, book launch, real and imagined, childhoods
Published May 3, 2013 2:14 PM - Last modified May 3, 2013 3:17 PM