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Children and Rights in the Global South

On the basis of field experiences and research, stakeholders, social sciences researchers and jurists will discuss on the way in which children rights are currently shaping childhood and children in Southern societies.

The speakers will be: Olga Nieuwenhuys (University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Jo Boyden (University of Oxford-UK), Myriam Denov (McGill, Canada), Elodie Razy (University of Liège, Belgium), Frédéric Baele (Terre des Hommes-Mozambique), Chantal Denner, Rémy Mafu (Plateforme Enfance-RDCongo), Sabine Somé, (CEAf-EHESS, France ), Bernard Schlemmer (CEPED, Paris Descartes, Ined, IRD, France), Ellen Desmet (Children's Rights Knowledge Centre, Belgium).

Link to the programme and more information

Tags: ["workshop", "children's rights", "global south"]
Published Oct. 11, 2011 2:36 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 4:32 PM