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Webpages tagged with «["child care", "youth", "parenting", "mental health", "disabilities", "policy development"]»

Published Sep. 19, 2008 1:46 PM

Established in 1995, The Institute of Child Care Research (ICCR) is a core funded research unit located in the School of Sociology Social Policy and Social Work in Queens University Belfast. The aim of the Institute is to play a key role in influencing the development of child care policy and practice in Northern Ireland. In pursuit of this aim the Institute has three major objectives: 1)Identify and conduct original research into child care needs and services through using and developing a mix of research methods and varied forms of dissemination; 2)Offer training and consultation on undertaking and applying child care research; 3)Provide postgraduate research supervision for postgraduate students undertaking and completing child care research. These aims and objectives are underpinned by United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).