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Australia: Transformational Practices Initiative (TPI)

The Transformational Practices Initiative (TPI) is a research concentration at the University of Western Sydney, comprised of academics who share an articulated purpose in research and scholarship on change for just ends, both as outcome and process.  

The TPI focuses on innovative methodologies to social action, and take as their base a range of related theoretical perspectives, which challenge hegemonic thinking and structures. Researchers collaborate with a range of groups such as children and young people, people with disability, people from CALD and refugee backgrounds

Contact Details:

Main Contact: Professor Jan Mason
E-mail: Jan.Mason [at] 

Tags: ["Children and Violence", "Child poverty", "Children's rights", "Children's well-being", "Children with disabilities", "Child participation", "Children in care", "fostering and adoption", "Child research methodology development", "Indigenous children", "Minority children", "Public policy towards/for children", "Social exclusion and marginalisation", "Social services towards children", "Youth issues", "Young Carers", "Indicators", "Research Ethics"]
Published July 10, 2008 12:10 PM - Last modified Aug. 5, 2015 5:29 PM