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First Workshop of the Child Friendly Cities Research Initiative

The Child Friendly Cities Research Initiative is arranging its first workshop 5 - 7 November. The initiative has gathered experts from around the world to act as a consultative group. The group aims at designing a tool kit for assesment and monitoring which will be made available globally through the Child Friendly Cities website.            

The workshop is being organized by the Children's Environments Group at the Graduate Centre of the City University, New York and the Unicef Innocenti Research Centre, Florence.

The meeting takes place in The Hague in the Netherlands, hosted by the Bernard Van Leer Foundation. Read more about the initiative on the Child Friendly Cities Project page.

Tags: ["child friendly cities", "children's environments", "CERG", "Unicef Innocenti"]
Published Nov. 6, 2008 11:11 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:00 PM