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European Strategy on Children’s Rights: Application for NGO Representatives in the EU Forum on Children’s Rights Online

The application is now open on the European Commission website. The European Forum on the Rights of the Child is a permanent group chaired by the European Commission aiming to promote children’s rights in European Union internal and external action. In order to ensure effective representation of civil society at the Forum, civil society organisations have launched a call for interest.

The next meeting of the Forum is scheduled to take place in Brussels Berlaymont building on 9 December. If your organisation wishes to apply for one of the 10 permanent seats for civil society, you can submit your application up to 14th of November 2008 using the link below:

Please click here to submit your application

Click here for more information>>

The European Forum came together in July 2007 1 year after the EU communication “Towards a Strategy on Children’s Rights” was published. Since then civil society has been pressing to become more involved. Topics that have been discussed at the European Forum are: sexual exploitation and trafficking in children as well as the situation of Roma children in the EU.

On the same date as the next meeting of the forum, 9 December, children participating in the JLS Youth Poster Competition 2008 - "Children's right to protection" will be present in Brussels and the working group on Children’s Rights took this opportunity to link the two events.


Tags: ["children's rights", "European Union"]
Published Nov. 3, 2008 12:34 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:01 PM