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Challenges for Research expressed at the World Congress III

The Declaration from the World Congress III against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents points to knowledge gaps, lack of data and limited sharing of experiences that affect the capacity to develop effective policies and programs.  

Milena Grillo, director of Paniamor, a Childwatch International Key Institution in Costa Rica, participated in the World Congress III against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents, organized between 25 and 28 November 2008. In a note adressed to the Childwatch International Network she highlights the challenges written into the Declaration that are of particular relevance to our global research network:

  • Knowledge gaps that affect the capacity to effectively address some expressions of CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children). A special concern was raised here on the relation between new technologies and new expressions of CSEC.
  • Lack of reliable, disaggregated data both on the prevalence and modalities of CSEC, and on the impact of related legislation and programs. A concrete issue here refers to the need to develop indicators to measure effectiveness of policies and programs.
  • Limited sharing of experiences/good practices and documentation of qualitative knowledge. Here the following specific issues were pointed out as shared priorities: Frequent legal loopholes that inhibit some countries to adequately pursue or penalize certain forms of CSEC;Limited knowledge and good practices in addressing the “demand” sector and aiming to reduce and eradicate same;Weak institutional capacity to guarantee the meaningful participation of children and adolescents in the drafting, implementation and evaluation of related legislation and policies.

The Executive Committee of Childwatch International will be discussing how to proceed to involve our Key Institutions in working with ECPAT International and other organizations and international bodies to contribute to meeting these challenges.

Paniamor is an affiliated organization to the ECPAT International Network. Milena Grillo was recently elected as representative of the Latin American Region to the Board of Directors of ECPAT International where she will be serving for the next two years.

Read the address to the Childwatch International Key Institutions from Executive Director Milena Grillo, dated 3 January 2009
Read the latest version of the Outcome document from the World Congress III

More information on the World Congress III can be found on the official Congress web site



Tags: ["sexual exploitation", "World Congress III", "Paniamor"]
Published Jan. 5, 2009 1:48 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:03 PM
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