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Childwatch to Discuss Regional Networking at UNICEF Conference

UNICEF Egypt collaborates with national partners in organizing the international conference "Child Poverty and Disparities: Public Policies for Social Justice" in Cairo, 19 - 20 January 2009. Childwatch International is organizing a round table discussion on child research networking in the Middle East and North Africa region during the event.

The Childwatch International regional network in the MENA region is taking advantage of the fact that the conference is gathering academics with a child research focus to discuss and possibly enhance networking on child rights research in the region.

The regional seminar on children in war, organized by the Information and Research Centre at the King Hussain Foundation in Amman, Jordan, held in November last year, concluded with an understanding that there is a need to strengthen regional networking on child research. Regional networks is an effective way of doing international collaboration, taking advantage of commonalities in the research contexts and also in common research questions and the focus areas of research.

The conference which makes these discussions possible is organized by the Egypt Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC), the National Council of Childhood and Motherhood (NCCM) and the United Nations Children’s Fund in Egypt (UNICEF). It is open to the public, and no pre-registration is necessary.

Read more about the Childwatch International research networks.

Read more about the international conference “Child Poverty and Disparities: Public Policies for Social Justice”



Tags: ["MENA", "regional networks", "child poverty", "Unicef", "Egypt"]
Published Jan. 12, 2009 10:40 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:03 PM
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