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Childwatch Represented at International Conference on Violence Against Girls

Dr. Tine K. Jensen will represent Childwatch International at The International Conference on Violence against the Girl Child, invited by the Dutch Government. The UN Study on Violence against Children will serve as reference to the discussions. The aim is for the conference to be a practical follow-up to the study by demonstrating how its recommendations can be effectively implemented.

Dr. Jensen is specialist in child psychiatry at the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies and works in close collaboration with NOVA, our Norwegian Key Institution.

The international Conference on Violence against the Girl Child is taking place in the Hague, 9 - 10 March this year. During the conference, participants will share experience, knowledge and best practices about measures to improve the situation of girls. The aim is for the conference to be a practical follow-up to the report from the UN Study on Violence against Children by demonstrating how its recommendations can be effectively implemented.

In addition to several Dutch ministries that are involved in the organization of the event, the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre is also a key organizer.

For more information, see:



Tags: ["violence", "gender", "girl child", "Netherlands", "NOVA"]
Published Feb. 13, 2009 3:26 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:03 PM
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