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Childwatch International Board Agree on Plans for 2009

The members of the Board of Childwatch International met for two days in Oslo this week, to decide on this year's plans and to lay out the final strategy for the coming child rights and research conference in Addis Ababa in November - December.

The Board meeting took place at Rosahjemmet, Oslo, 9 - 10 March 2009

Six of the nine board members of the Childwatch International Board were present at the two day board meeting in Oslo, Norway, 9 - 10 March. The Children at a Cross-Roads conference was at the top of the agenda. Through the discussions the Board stressed the importance of announcing the conference as a working conference which ultimately will lead to a clear and relevant outcome document. The outcome document will guide future research strategies and collaboration between different stake holders in the generation and use of evidence-based knowledge in realizing the rights of children globally.

The conference dominates the agenda of the Childwatch International Research Network in 2009, but this this year is also the year of  the network Key Institutions Assembly. The whole network will gather in Addis Ababa after the Cross-Roads conference to decide on its future strategies, including networking instruments, thematic focus and membership development.

Information about budget decisions and further development of the conference will be distributed to the network.



Tags: ["Board", "conference 2009", "Oslo"]
Published Mar. 13, 2009 10:44 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:03 PM
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