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Funding for Child Friendly Cities Research Initiative

The joint Childwatch International and UNICEF Innocenti Child Friendly Cities Research Initiative has received a generous grant from the Bernard van Leer Foundation to pilot the project's research methodology and assesment toolkit. Piloting will take place in the Philippines and in Brazil during the first half of 2009.    

The Children's Environments Research Group (CERG) at the City University in New York, USA are coordinating the development of the methodology and assesment tools and the piloting that will take place in Brazil and the Philippines in collaboration with UNICEF Country offices and on research partner in each location.

The Bernard van Leer Foundation is supporting the project financially to carry through the piloting, with the objectives of generating a broad awareness and realization of children's rights including their critical assessment at the community and local levels.

The global UNICEF and UN - Habitat initiatied Child Friendly Cities initiative was launched in 1996 with the aim of bringing the children's rights agenda to the local level. The research initiative is targeting the growing need for assesment of the different dimentions of the initative, in order to secure the relevance and quality of the measures carried through in each of the many child friendly cities and communities around the world.

To read more about the research initiative, go to the Child Friendly Cities Project page.



Tags: ["child friendly cities", "Bernard Van Leer Foundation", "CERG", "Philippines", "Brazil"]
Published Jan. 26, 2009 3:16 PM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:04 PM
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