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Citizenship Project Launches Book

The Childwatch International collaborative research project on children's perspectives on citizenship will soon be launching their book "Children as Citizens? International Voices". With an international line-up of contributors, Children as Citizens? is a comprehensive, authoritative, and timely contribution to the ongoing debate about the status and rights of children.

The thematic group involves researchers from Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Norway, Palestine and South Africa. The collaboration was initiated in 2003, and has since grown into an extensive collaborative research project, including data gathering and analysis in all of the mentioned communities. The group of researchers have been worked closely together to make the project useful and relevant for each of the contexts involved. The project has been presented and discussed at a wide range of international research conferences.

The book, edited by Nicola Taylor and Anne Smith, includes chapters with analysis of each country study and background chapters analyzing the global and the local situations for children's participation and citizenship.

Quote from the promotional material from the publishers: This book is an account of a collaborative international study about the meaning of citizenship to children - how they view their status and membership in society through notions of identity, rights and responsibilities as citizens. The authors explore how children (8-9 years) and young people (14-15 years) from six countries - Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Norway, Palestine and South Africa - understand and experience citizenship. 

The book is published by Otago University Press (2009) and can be ordered by emailing for international supply information or by filling in and submitting the order form

 "Children as Citizens? International Perspectives" will be available in late March and will be launched at the Childwatch International Key Institutions Assembly and Conference in November.

Read more about the thematic group: Childrens Perceptions of Citizenship and Nation Building



Tags: ["citizenship", "New Zealand", "publication", "thematic group"]
Published Mar. 4, 2009 11:27 AM - Last modified Apr. 17, 2013 3:04 PM
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